Thursday, August 30, 2012

Napkin on the window

To stop or not to stop…that is the question! Anyone that lives in an urban area is use to homeless people. You actually recognize them and even know some of them by name.  However, in general, you do nothing more then smile, give a nod and go on with your day. Quietly judging and occasional taking a second to be thankful for all that you have. Yesterday was a little different. My friend Chris and I were going to have lunch. As I’m exiting the car continuing to tell him the ups and downs and waiting to find out about chemo and radiation a homeless kid on the street chimes in.  We stopped for a moment and listened to him. He was telling us about a book and how it healed him of several things.  We had a little banter and then went into the restaurant. When we finished with lunch and went back to the car we found the note below on the window. By this time the kid had walked away. I folded up the note and we left. BUT what an impression he made on me. I want to know his story! Is he homeless? Is he on drugs? Is he crazy? Was he kicked out of his house for some reason out of is control? Or is he exactly where he wants to be? I want to go back and find him, but what would I say? What would I do? Or is it just a moment of pay it forward? Regardless I appreciate the time he took to offer up his advice. I hope in some way that maybe this blog might be “my napkin on the window” for someone else.
Ok…enough of my musing onto the update. Until today the last few days have been pretty uneventful. With everything I’ve been through in the last month that is a nice change. Monday the 27th was exactly a month since my diagnosis as well as Santé’s 16th birthday! I actually felt well enough have lunch with Cindy and Kim, go to Santé’s basketball game AND have dinner!!  I was pretty much down for the count on Tuesday but it was worth it! I’m still in pain but it is getting better everyday.
Amazing gift from Gaga! Tango wants one sooo bad! haha

Today was my last post op follow up with my PS. She removed the remaining sterile strips (tape) took my “after” photos and gave me the thumbs up! Once I see my oncologist and radiologist next week I’ll have a better idea of when I start radiation and I will see her again to confirm when I’m physically ready to start. From there we moved onto the fertility doctor.  Now some of you may be wondering why a fertility doctor. Well with chemo not off the table and radiation imminent, freezing eggs is my best “insurance” incase the cancer treatments kill a lot of good cells (and fertility) as well! Which they are known to do.  So a new car or a down payment on a house in TX later I actually started today. We were just expecting a consultation but with time being of the essence I did my first injection today and I will go back tomorrow after my blood work is back for the rest of the treatment. Basically they will teach me how to give myself the injections and I will give myself two injections a day for the next 12-15 days.  Then when I’m ready it will be a quick out patient procedure to “harvest” my eggs and freeze them.  Whoopie more anesthesia and surgery. Well….if it gives me piece of mind then I’m all for it. Fingers crossed that it’s an insurance policy we will not have to cash!

So…the other important stuff!
September 5th – Appointment with an oncologist
September 7th – Appointment with alternative Doctor – to discuss adjunctive therapy or alternatives to chemo and hormone therapy
September 10 – appointment with my radiologist
TBD - Chemo and Radiology

Still waiting on the BRAC1 and Onco test results. Well…until then!